9 CuChi At The Pool

9 CuChi At The Pool

And here's a picture at the pool! That's Mike McCain in the back holding up the peace sign and Mike Golden with the cigarette in his mouth and the towel on his shoulder on the right. There are 3 others in the picture and I only have 2 other names on the back of the picture - Tom Heatherly and Vernon Glenn - I'm thinking that's Tom squatting in the front and Vernon in the back, but I'm really not sure. I also marked '1st platoon' on the back so I guess we were all in the 1st platoon? One thing that I remember vividly is that I got a wicked case of ringworm from the towels at the pool or something - it was between my legs, down my legs, and on my back, and itched all the time. I had it for over a month in the field in the Americal, where some medic had me putting cream on it three times a day. I didn't get rid of it until I was in the hospital in Chu Lai and a doctor gave me some pills and it was gone in 2 days!

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